Sep 4Liked by Katie Mitchell

This was such a beautiful essay. Thank you. I hardly ever do this but I copied and pasted one of these paragraphs to save for later and come back to again -- the part about composing rather than juggling. I love that.

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Thank your for reading and for telling me this, Tanya! I think I heard that in an On Being episode years ago with Mary Catherine Bateson - if you want to look it up. It was a great listen and stuck with me years later. I'm glad it resonated with you too.

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Sep 4Liked by Katie Mitchell

This is very true for me, too, and captures this new framework of mind: “I’m acutely aware that there aren’t many years left when my life will look like this; I have four years left with my son in my home and six with my daughter. I’ll mother them long after that, but not with the close proximity I have now. My life, especially in these last few precious years, is committed to them, organized around them, and I cannot fathom making a major life decision without their support and well being at the very center of it.”

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